Development Challenges

PI project adresses ICT development challenges facing BiH youth, small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) from the ICT sector as well as SMEs from other sectors.


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Project Goals

Project goals are two fold:

  • to improve the competitiveness and productivity of SMEs and
  • to enhance employment and entrepreneurship among youth.

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Project Activities

Youth trainings and internship programs, advanced ICT training, ICT bootcamps, support to ICT associations, fairs and conferences, access to finance and startup support.


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Project Partners

Meet local organizations, partners of the Partnership for Innovation project.

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Moja praksa

“Moja praksa” internship program is an ICT based initiative designed to provide practical experience and reinforce the bond between youth and local ICT business community.

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Work Ready Now!

“Work Ready Now!” (WRN!) program is a participatory, active and hands-on youth develoment program focused on improving soft skills for business environment.

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SME support

SME support through PI project is implemented through series of trainings designed per demand from SMEs.


  • Training in 3D modeling for SolidWorks and 3D Print for SMEs from Sarajevo - PI supported organization of 3 days long training in 3D modeling for SolidWorks and 3D Print for SMEs  from Sarajevo region. 12 participants from 8 local comapnies participated in this training. 2,966 total views, 7 views today
  • The training in Swift programming language completed in Tuzla - PI supported a 4 day long training in Swift programming language for SMEs from Tuzla region, where 11 employees of 4 local ICT SMEs were introduced with Swift. The goal of this training program in Tuzla was to qualify employees of the local ICT companies to work in the xCode Playground, introduce them to the basics of […]
  • SIXTH COHORT OF THE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM “MOJA PRAKSA” COMPLETED IN TUZLA - Upon successful completion of the sixth cycle of  the internship program “Moja praksa” in Tuzla region, a certification ceremony was held today at BIT Center. Certificates were awarded to 48 participants and awards of appreciation to 14 companies/organizations that have supplied projects and mentors for this cycle. “Moja praksa” is a three-year program of student internships focused on […]
  • Digital Marketing Training Successfully finished in Mostar - PI supported organization of two day long  training for SMEs  in digital marketing for SMEs from Mostar region, where 21 participants from 9 local comapnies were introduced to digital marketing, marketing analytics, search engine optimization, social media marketing etc.   4,343 total views, 7 views today
  • SIXTH CYCLE OF “MOJA PRAKSA” INTERNSHIP PROGRAM FINISHED IN SARAJEVO - On July 29, Partnership for Innovation marked the completion of the 6th cohort of “Moja Praksa” internship program for Sarajevo region at the ceremony held at the International University of Sarajevo. 51 student completed the cohort that included lectures and practical teamwork at 12 local ICT firms.   4,337 total views, 7 views today

48,654 total views, 7 views today

The development of this webpage is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the PI project and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.